Not every performance-related problem merits the same solution. “We need training.” This is a phrase we hear all the time from prospective clients seeking to overcome performance-related challenges within their business. Often, they are right—better training would be of...
Project Managers: This One’s For You Preparing for a major documentation project or training initiative can feel like an arduous task, especially when it means getting multiple stakeholders and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) on board. If you’re equipped with...
If you’ve never partnered with a technical writer to create essential documentation or sat down with an instructional designer to develop impactful training, it can be tough to know what to expect. Even if you have, these projects require...
We recently wrote about how we’ve committed to providing you more expert advice, useful insights and tailored resources designed to help you excel at your job. Today, we want to tell you a bit about the first piece we’ve...
At Radcom, our mission has always been to Excel Now. Embrace the Future. Learn Always. It’s a mission to which our blog has always aligned as we’ve sought to share insights with our peers regarding what we do every...
Scenario-based learning gives instructional designers the ability to present highly-interactive and compelling skill-based training that is fun and relevant. Learners are more engaged as they go about creating solutions based upon their pre-existing knowledge and the discoveries they make...
New ideas are essential to company success. Without new ideas, there is no growth or improvements. However, after a while ideas get stale; working on the same problems with the same people can result in the same ideas. Don’t...
creativity, creativity at work, idea generation, ideas, ideation, innovation, innovation in the workplace, problems
Ideation, Creativity, Creativity at work, innovation, inspiration
Accelerated Learning (AL) has been shown to speed up the design process for instructional designers, and enhance the learning process for learners. It focuses on total learner involvement, because people retain more and learn better when they actively participate...
5 phases of accelerated learning, accelerated learning, accelerated learning activities, activities for successful accelerated learning, engaging your learner, training
What is creativity? Defining creativity is like attempting to define happiness or the meaning of life. Each person you ask has a different definition, but there are common themes about uniqueness and originality, imagination, ideas, and usefulness. Click here...
can you define creativity?, creativity, creativity infographic, defining creativity, infographic, the definition of creativity
Failing is a part of life. It is also an important part of creativity. I first introduced the importance of failing in the post Fail Fast, Fail Frequently … Really?? In the workshops I teach and in my soon-to-be-released...
fail like a genius, failing like a genius, how to fail like a genius, never give up
Fail . . . Like a Genius, Creativity, Creativity at work, innovation, inspiration, Mindset