New ideas are essential to company success. Without new ideas, there is no growth or improvements. However, after a while ideas get stale; working on the same problems with the same people can result in the same ideas. Don’t...
Failing is a part of life. It is also an important part of creativity. I first introduced the importance of failing in the post Fail Fast, Fail Frequently … Really?? In the workshops I teach and in my soon-to-be-released...
fail like a genius, failing like a genius, how to fail like a genius, never give up
Fail . . . Like a Genius, Creativity, Creativity at work, innovation, inspiration, Mindset
You cannot expect inspiration to strike on your timetable. However, as last week’s post Consistency Is a Key to Creativity mentioned, if you practice creativity you are more likely to generate fresh ideas when you need them. Why do...
be courageous, be curious, creativity, innovation, inputs, inspiration, refill your creative well, restocking the well
A surprising key to unlocking creativity might be the last thing you expect, and that is consistency. We might assume creative types are those who wait for inspiration to strike, then delve into a frenzy of creativity. The elusive...
Benefits of Creative Consistency, consistency in creativity, consistency promotes creativity, creative consistency, Fuel Creativity to Ignite Innovation
Creativity, Creativity at work, inspiration, Mindset, writing
I am an ultramarathon trail runner. When I run in a race, I must make sure I have what I need to keep running for 30+ hours. I cannot rely on an aid station to have the food I...
conscious brain, creativity, improv, improv in the workplace, improvisation, react before thinking, the science behind improvising, unconscious brain, unconscious thought
Creativity at work, Creativity, fulfillment at work, inspiration, Mindset
Your most memorable experiences happen because you leave room for happy accidents. Think of the greatest vacation you ever experienced. What was the best part? I’ll bet it was not the event you over-planned, the one you pinned down...
creativity at work, focus on the journey, innovation, journey, over-planning, over-planning and innovation, over-planning halts innovation, overplanning, travel
In a previous post, Give Me a Break … Because Downtime at Work Is Highly Productive, I wrote that taking regular breaks at work helps make you more productive and boosts your energy. Did you know regular breaks also...
15 percent time, ah-ha moments, creativity, fifteen-minute break, grasp moments of genius, innovative solutions, inspiration, Taking breaks, walking outside, where ideas come from
Creativity at work, Creativity, fulfillment at work, happiness, Health at Work, inspiration
Today we live in a fast-paced, goal-driven society that emphasizes accomplishments and outcomes. We problem solve and multitask. We don’t like not knowing why or how. We want answers, and we want them yesterday. Seldom do we allow ourselves...
awe, awestruck, cultivating awe in the workplace, cultivating wonder, fulfillment at work, innovation, inspiration at work, link between wonder and creativity, wonder, wonder and creativity, wonder enhances creativity
Creativity at work, Creativity, fulfillment at work, happiness, innovation
There’s a pervasive myth that creativity is the realm of right-brained people. However, creativity involves much more than one hemisphere of our brain. A master of creative genius, Leonardo da Vinci, suggested we, “Study the science of art and...
creative exercises, four types of intelligences, innovation, innovation and whole-brain thinking, innovative potential, left brain, problem solving, right brain, stimulate whole-brain thinking, types of intelligence, whole-brain, whole-brain thinking
Creativity, Creativity at work, fulfillment at work, innovation, inspiration
In my interactions with other creative people I have discovered that many of them have compulsive natures (I hesitate to call it Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) because true OCD is so much worse). Creatives tend to make lists, have...
chaos inspired creativity, creative inspiration, creativity, creativity and chaos, creativity and disorder, creativity and mess, creativity and multitasking, creativity and OCD, inspiration out of chaos, obsessive compulsive tendencies, to-do list
Creativity at work, Creativity, fulfillment at work, Mindset