New ideas are essential to company success. Without new ideas, there is no growth or improvements. However, after a while ideas get stale; working on the same problems with the same people can result in the same ideas. Don’t...
Failing is a part of life. It is also an important part of creativity. I first introduced the importance of failing in the post Fail Fast, Fail Frequently … Really?? In the workshops I teach and in my soon-to-be-released...
fail like a genius, failing like a genius, how to fail like a genius, never give up
Fail . . . Like a Genius, Creativity, Creativity at work, innovation, inspiration, Mindset
At some point, most people have heard the theory that the right side of your brain controls the muscles on the left side of your body, and the left side of your brain controls the muscles on the right...
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Your most memorable experiences happen because you leave room for happy accidents. Think of the greatest vacation you ever experienced. What was the best part? I’ll bet it was not the event you over-planned, the one you pinned down...
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Often creativity and innovation are used interchangeably. However, they have two subtle yet important distinctions. Do you know what they are? Creativity is the method of unleashing the mind to think in different ways and come up with new...
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Today we live in a fast-paced, goal-driven society that emphasizes accomplishments and outcomes. We problem solve and multitask. We don’t like not knowing why or how. We want answers, and we want them yesterday. Seldom do we allow ourselves...
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Creativity at work, Creativity, fulfillment at work, happiness, innovation
Are you feeling like your to-do list will never get done? Is your day filled with back-to-back tasks? Do you believe you can’t spare an extra five minutes devoted to anything but work? When you see all the items...
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There’s a pervasive myth that creativity is the realm of right-brained people. However, creativity involves much more than one hemisphere of our brain. A master of creative genius, Leonardo da Vinci, suggested we, “Study the science of art and...
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Creativity, Creativity at work, fulfillment at work, innovation, inspiration