Join us for July’s book club discussion on The Unexpected: Breakthrough Strategies to Supercharge Your Business and Earn Loyal Customers for Life. One of the authors of the book, Dustin Klein, will be joining us. The Unexpected posits a new...
Occasionally I amuse myself by contemplating how one topic leads to another through the course of a conversation. My morning readings often follow a similar path. I start on one website, click on a link that takes me to...
Yes, I said it – Scope Creep. The beast that terrorizes every project manager. Managing this monster can be tricky but taking a few preventative measures can help keep it leashed. Clearly define the deliverables. Make sure everyone agrees...
I am facilitating this month at Radcom’s book club. We’ve been having some really great discussion about the books we’ve read and I’m looking forward to another lively meeting. The book this month is The Joy of Appreciative Living:...
Every project is unique. It has its own set of challenges and requirements. To become a pro at estimating your documentation and training projects, you need to know how to account for these unique challenges. First, make sure you...
blended learning, classroom training, documentation, elearning, estimating, formulas, instructional design, job aid, storyboard
A big part of estimating the cost to develop an eLearning course is to correctly determine the level of learning. If you read the first post in this series, Estimating Formulas for Documentation and Training, you know that I...
Here is a mid-week interlude in the Estimating Formulas for Documentation and Training Projects blog posts. This post was not originally planned, but an article from Bottom Line Performance entitled How to Create Award-Winning Training Solutions caught my eye. It identifies...
classroom training, consulting, elearning, estimating, instructional design, projects, training, value
I have been estimating projects for eleven years, so I’ve collected a lot of data on how long it takes to complete a variety of technical documentation and training development projects. I track the hours worked on every project....
Here is a little demo showing how easy it is to localize the onscreen text and closed caption text in your Captivate courses. Captivate Localization Demo from Jennifer on Vimeo.