Everyone writes to some degrees in their jobs. You don’t have to be a technical writer or instructional designer to write in your job. Sales people write statements of work or contracts. Mangers write project plans. Executives write business...
Getting ahead, receiving recognition, being rewarded, climbing the ladder, making more money, gaining prestige. These are all motivators for people in the workforce, especially new people to the workforce. We believe that if we work hard and work fast...
How to reach Millennials is a topic that seems to be ever present in the training and business world. In 10 years, Millennials will make up 75% of the workforce, and companies are paying big money to learn how...
Not everyone is fortunate enough to have an editor to check what we write before it goes to the client or is put in front of the audience. Editing your own writing is difficult because our brains know what...
Are you struggling with creating a knowledge transfer strategy? Or is the current strategy unsuccessful and you don’t know why? The folks at Ed Threads created a playbook for creating a successful eLearning strategy, but it can also be...
How can you get your learners to actually learn? Do you want to empower them to choose the learning method and amount of content that is best for them? How can you develop one training program to meet the needs of...
classroom training, consulting, elearning, instructional design, learning, online learning, training
All of us have customers. If you are a freelance writer or instructional design consultant, you know how important it is to keep the customers you have happy. If you are an in-house instructional designer or writer, you have customers...
consulting, customer satisfaction, documentation, instructional design, projects, technical writing, training
Today’s post is inspired by the above graphic. I’ve had this hanging on my bulletin board for years. I don’t recall where I came across it, but I found a copy of it on Cathy Moore’s Pinterest page. It...
consulting, documentation, instructional design, interviewing, projects, SME, subject matter experts, technical writing, training
Today’s article is by Amy Gonet, President of The Gonet Group and independent instructional designer. Amy has worked on several projects for Radcom for over the past year, and her professionalism, creativity, and flexibility have been invaluable. In the...
career development, collaboration, consulting, creativity, independent consultant, instructional design, peer group
When you read the Acknowledgement section in a book, you always see a big, heartfelt note to the author’s editor. “This book wouldn’t have been possible without the patience and help of my dear editor…” However, have you ever...
classroom training, consulting, documentation, editing checklist, editor, elearning, instructional design