We’ve all watched science fiction movies and shows where people are surrounded by and interact with holograms. I never really expected to see it in the average person’s everyday life during my lifetime. However, it looks like it will be her sooner than I ever thought.
Microsoft has introduced HoloLens. Microsoft describes HoloLens as “the first fully untethered, see-through holographic computer. It enables high-definition holograms to come to life in your world, seamlessly integrating with your physical places, spaces, and things. We call this experience mixed reality. Holograms mixed with your real world will unlock all new ways to create, communicate, work, and play.”
Mixed reality. Having holograms integrated with your real world. Does that have your wheels turning? If it doesn’t watch the video demonstrating its uses.
Here is what caught my attention as an instructional designer and technical writer:
- Training can happen anywhere in real-time. From their desk, employees can learn about and interact with new company products.
- Employees can learn how to operate equipment and learn new skills by practicing on a hologram.
- User manuals can be supplemented with real-time, step-by-step instructions.
- Field technicians can get help from supervisors who can see what they see.
Mixed reality can be and exciting new chapter in the instructional design and technical documentation world. Support and training are going to be more visual and hands-on instead of word and paper driven. We will need to adjust how we deliver information to our audience, but if we adapt there is still a place for us in mixed reality.