How to Use Podcasts in Training

start-a-podcast-tbboHave you considered using podcasts in your workplace training? After all, it’s a convenient, easily accessible form of mobile learning. Yet this method of training isn’t utilized as often as it could be.

Using podcasts as a training tool is an informal, asynchronous way to provide information to trainees. It is excellent for engaging auditory learners, and the material can be accessed and listened to at the trainees’ convenience.

Pros: little production time, easy to access and use

Cons: moderate to heavy production effort

As suggested by eLearning coach Connie Malamed, you can apply the following training topics to the audio-only format of podcasts:

  • New hire orientation
  • Foreign language and customs
  • Soft skills, such as listening skills or conflict resolution
  • Presentation recordings
  • Interviews

Learn more about how to utilize podcasts in your training here!