How often have you or someone you know experienced a large training event that led to little or no return on investment? Some companies make a habit of cycling through training events every year or so that merely slap a band-aid on a much larger problem. When you start with training, it often fails to address the real issues and nothing changes. In fact, research shows that nearly 9 out of 10 times, training is NOT the best solution. That’s when you need performance analysis.
Analysis can seem confusing, but the process is actually very simple. We focus on what the work produces—the deliverables, products, or work outputs. From there, it becomes possible to measure how successful the work is based on a company’s business results. Suddenly, people know exactly what to do and have what they need to do it. Work becomes something to love doing, rather than a chore. That is the power of performance improvement.

A lot of companies develop their organizational structure and processes without deliberate thought. As they grow, a way of doing things just occurs and then continues simply because it’s the way it has always been done. However, without consciously deciding the best way forward, these companies are misaligned and working at cross-purposes without even knowing it. This can cause issues with:
- Staff retention.
- Production demands that go unmet.
- High error rates or injuries.
- Low product quality.
- Customer satisfaction.
- Employee onboarding.
For companies currently experiencing rapid growth, these issues can be avoided by seeking guidance on growing the right way in the first place.
Our thorough analysis can uncover:
- Expectations that aren’t being communicated.
- Tools and resources that staff need to effectively do their jobs.
- Aspects of the process that are unintentionally punishing to do.
- Ways to incentivize great work.
- More effective training programs.
- The key to improving team morale.