In my interactions with other creative people I have discovered that many of them have compulsive natures (I hesitate to call it Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) because true OCD is so much worse). Creatives tend to make lists, have...
Ok, I don’t have a punchline for this joke set-up, but I bet the title got you thinking of funny ways those items are connected. Playing, having fun, and laughing are what this post is about. Specifically, how it...
creative inspiration, creativity, creativity at work, humor, humor and creativity, innovation, innovation in the workplace, inspiration, play inspires creativity, playfulness, playfulness and creativity
Creativity at work, Creativity, fulfillment at work, happiness, inspiration
“Smell is a potent wizard that transports you across thousands of miles and all the years you have lived.” —Helen Keller The smell of rose-scented hand lotion instantly makes me think of my great-grandmother. I close my eyes, inhale...
creative inspiration, creativity, inspiration, motivation, scent and creativity, scent and memory, sensory perception, smell
Creativity, Creativity at work, fulfillment at work, happiness, Health at Work, inspiration, writing
Asking questions can spark innovation. But can it also spark creativity? Absolutely, says Michael Gelb, author of How to Think like Leonardo Da Vinci. He states, “Great minds go on asking confounding questions… Leonardo’s childlike sense of wonder and...
100 Questions, ask questions, creative inspiration, creativity, questioning the status quo, questions and creativity, questions spark creativity, writer's block
Creativity, Creativity at work, fulfillment at work, happiness, Health at Work, writing